Kaw Valley Massage Therapist
Jordana Arnold, LMT, CMT
Jordana's passion for massage became a practice in 1992. Her intuitive bodywork is a blend of conventional massage and vibrational energy work. Her massage sessions are infused with energy work that permeates the physical layers and weaves into the spiritual and emotional fabric of her clients. The use of infused oils with her well seasoned technique, make for a healing encounter. A session with Jordana is a rare opportunity to be nurtured by an artist in a medium that is uniquely her own.
Jordana has maintained a Lawrence, Kansas practice since 1993. She keeps chickens, bees, and a couple of herd dogs at her Lawrence home. When she is not practicing massage she can be found making a mess with her granddaughter, gardening, or up to her elbows in a renovation project.